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2024-06-11 09:56:07文/刘冬晴


第一部分 听力原文及参考答案

Text 1朋友之间告别时的谈话

M:Thanks for the wonderful weekend,Kate.

W:That's okay.Bob and I are glad you came to see us.

M:Oh,I have to go in.My flight will take off soon.Do contact me when you're in Sydney.

W:Sure,we will.


Text 2回忆婚礼时的音乐和情感

W:Paul,listen to the radio.It's You've Stolen My Heart,one of the songs played at our wedding.

M:Yeah,how beautiful!It's been popular for almost two decades.


Text 3讨论计划被取消时的失望

W:David,forget about Mark.His aunt is in town,so he can't go with us today.

M:Oh,what a pity!It's the last day of the art show.


Text 4解决购物送货日期问题

W:How may I help you?

M:I bought a desk and asked for it to be delivered to my house this Friday.

W:Yes,what's the problem?

M:I need to have it delivered this Saturday.


Text 5处理错过火车和下一班火车的情况


M:Oh,hi,I missed my 9 o'clock train to Bedford.Do I have to buy another ticket?

W:No.The next train leaves at a quarter to ten at Platform 11.

M:Thank you.


Text 6讨论天气预报和准备应对极端天气

W:Honey,have you checked today's weather forecast?

M:Yes,it's cold and wet.There is a warning for strong winds up to 100 kilometers per hour.

W:What are we going to do then?

M:Nothing much.Just stay indoors.There is a risk of falling trees and power lines.


M:And the low temperatures could bring snow to the forest area.

W:I hope it's over quickly.

M:Well,it won't get better until late Wednesday.Anyway,I have to move the car away from the trees.

W:Yeah,you cannot be too careful.


Text 7朋友之间的电话交谈,分享生活和家人近况

W:Hello,Dave.This is Kathy from Sunny California.

M:Hi,Kathy.You finally call.How was the move?All settled in?

W:Sorry,I hadn't called sooner,but it's been a busy month.We're slowly getting things set up in our new home.

M:Yeah,I understand.How are Jeff and the children?

W:Jeff is doing well with his new job,Tom has made many new friends here and has a lot to do.Fiona is

fine,though she misses her grandma.By the way,thank you for looking in on my mother from time to time.I call her every week,but it isn't the same as seeing her.

M:No problem.Betty and I are friends now.How is the weather there?

W:It's nice and warm,and we are able to spend some time every week on the beach with the children.

M:That's great.

Text 8上学方式的变化与影响

W:Jack,how did you get to school when you were in primary school?

M:I lived close to my school,so I walked every day.Why?

W:Well,I remember that when we were kids,we often walked,rode a bike or caught the bus to school.Few of us were dropped off at the school gate by our parents.

M:I see what you mean,these days you can see traffic jams around schools that drop off at pick-up times,but it's hard to blame the parents.They have good reasons for driving their kids to school,mostly to do with safety and convenience.

W:You have a point there,but it could also mean children are missing out on much needed exercise and other life skills.Some parents are just being over-protective with their children learning nothing,but living in fear of everything.Studies have found that children who spend more time outside tend to be healthier,better adjusted and better at dealing with stress.

Text 9讨论园艺爱好,种植蔬菜和社交媒体

M:So Aurie,your kitchen garden looks excellent.What made you turn to social media to record you vegetable growing?

W:Initially,I used the online platform as a diary,something to look back on,giving me a sense of achievements and keeping me motivated and moving forward.As time went by,other gardeners and like-minded people began to follow my progress,too.

M:I know you grow lots of fruit on your land.Which would you recommend to beginners as the best to grow?

W:Strawberries would be a good choice.They produce a lot of fruit in their first season.

M:That's cool.Well,do you have plans to try new or any particular crops next year?

W:Next season I will be adding some pear trees to the fruit area.I will be adding more herbs which I can use in the kitchen.After a couple of years of failure,I will try growing carrots again.

M:What advice would you offer someone thinking of doing kitchen gardening?

W:Have a plan of what you want your kitchen garden to look like.Don't be too discouraged if things don't go according to plan.Learn from your mistakes and move on.There's always next season.

Text 10介绍体育作家生平和成就

M:Welcome to Meet the Author.Well,many readers of Sports Times turn to the last page of their magazine first in order to read Jacob Johnson's weekly article under the title Life of Johnson,the articles along with his novels and essay collections have earned Johnson the reputation as one of the funniest humans on the planet.Johnson began writing about sports as a second-year student at the University of Colorado,covering high school volleyball games for his hometown newspaper.After graduating in 1981,he moved on to work at the Denver Weekly for 2 years and the Los Angeles Post for two more years before landing at Sports Times.He has been voted national sports writer of the year 11times.So now let's welcome the funny man with serious tone,Jacob Johnson.




I met Gunter on a cold,wet and unforgettable evening in September.I had planned to fly to Vienna and take a bus to Prague for a conference.Due to a big storm,my fight had been delayed by an hour and a half.I touched down in Vienna just 30 minues before the departure of the last bus to Prague.The moment I got off the plane,I ran like crazy through the airport building and jumped into the first taxi on the rank without a second thought.

That was when I met Gunter.I told him where I was going,but he said hehadn't heard of the bus station.I thought my pronunciation was the problem,so I explained again more slowly,but he still looked confused.When I was about to give up,Gunter fished out his little phone and rang up a friend.After a heated discussion that lasted for what seemed like a century,Gunter put his phone down and started the car.

Finally,with just two minutes to spare we rolled into the bus station.Thankfully,there was a long queue still waiting to board the bus.Gunter parked the taxi behind the bus,turned around,and looked at me with a big smile on his face."We made it,"he said

Just then I realised that I had zero cash in my wallet.I flashed him an apologetic smile as I pulled out my Portuguese bankcard.He tried it several times,but the card machine just did not play along.A feeling of helplessness washed over me as I saw the bus queue thinning out.

At this moment,Gunter pointed towards the waiting hall of the bus station.There at the entrance,was a cash machine.I jumped out of the car,made a mad run for the machine,and popped my card in,only to read the message:'Out of order.Sorry.


I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.


Four days later,when I was back in Vienna,I called Gunter as promised



I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.He looked at me in disbelief,asking me what to do.Flashing him another apologetic smile,I begged him for a delayed payment.“If I miss this last bus to Prague,I'll be late for the conference which is so important that I can't afford to miss it!”I explained."May I have your phone number?I will call you and return the money I owe you.I promise I will keep my word or you keep my watch!"I added,handing him my watch as well as my business card.Gunter accepted my business card but rejected my watch.He wrote down his phone number and gave it to me."Just keep your promise,Sir."A feeling of gratitude washed over me as I heard his words.Giving him a firm handshake,I jumped out of the car,made a mad run for the bus,and jumped onto it just before its departure.


Four days later,when I was back in Vienna,I called Gunter as promised.He picked me up at the bus station where he had dropped me off four days before.Beaming a warms mile at him,I gave him a big hug the moment I saw him.We chatted happily on the way to the airport.I told him that thanks to his generosity and timely help,everything had gone smoothly.When he stopped his taxi outside the airport,I paid him for the "double car ride",back and forth from the airport to the bus station,together with a generous tip that he turmed down.I had no choice but to give him an attractive souvenirI had bought at Prague,which he accepted with delight.In this way,we became good friends and kept in touch with each other regularly.I felt blessed to have such a warm-hearted friend like Gunter who has a heart of gold.






Dear Chris

Yours sincere

Li Hua


Dear Chris

I'm writing to share an extraordinary experience from last Friday when our class had an artlesson inthepark.You cannot imagine how meaningful and interesting it was!

We were tasked todraw or paint something that impressed us most.Inspired by the fantastic sceneryI decided to create a watercolor painting of the small bridge over the park's pond,surrounded byblooming flowers.

The entire experience was incredibly refreshing.Being surrounded by nature not only sparked mycreativity but also offered a much-needed break from the usual hustle and bustle of school life.I felt adeep sense of peace as I painted.

In a word,It was notjust an art class;it was a moment ofconnection with nature that I truly cherished.

How have your classes been lately?I would love tohear about them.

Take care and write back soon!

Best regards

Li Hua


假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的外国好友Jim准备给其校报的Asia Today栏目投稿。得知今年是新中国成立75周年,他打算重点介绍中国的发展成就,发来邮件询问你的建议。请你用英文给他回复。




Dear Jim,


Li Hua








Yours sincere

Li Hua



I'm writing toshare an extraordinary experience from last Friday when our class had an art lesson inthe park.Youcannot imagine how meaningful and interesting it was

We were tasked to draw or paint something that impressed us most.Inspired by the fantastic scenery,I decided to create a watercolor painting of the small bridge over the park's pond,surrounded byblooming flowers.

The entire experience wasincredibly refreshing.Being surrounded by nature not only sparked mycreativity but also offered a much-needed break from the usual hustle and bustle of school life.I felt adeepsense of peace as I painted.

In a word,Itwas not just an art class;it was a momentof connection with naturethat I truly cherishedHow have your classes been lately?I wouldlove tohear about them

Take care and write back soon!

Best regards,

Li Hua


假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的外国好友Jim准备给其校报的Asia Today栏目投稿,得知今年是新中国成立75周年,他打算重点介绍中国的发展成就,发来邮件询问你的建议。请你用英文给他回复。







Li Hua











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