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2024-05-22 16:47:06文/张超

"passer-by"的复数形式是 "passers-by"。passer-by,n. 过路人,经过者,pass by“经过”。复合词复数形式有中心词的把中心词变为复数。如:lookers-on;brothers-in-law。没有中心词的在词尾加s。



by passes 旁道( bypass的名词复数 )
by passed 绕过,避开( bypass的过去式和过去分词 )
passer-by 过路人
by passing 绕过,避开( bypass的现在分词 )
passers by 过路人,行人( passerby的名词复数 )
passers-by 过路人,经过者( passer-by的名词复数 )

pass by 相关例句

What are pass by reference and pass by value ?
Ripples appear on the water surface when fish pass by.
鱼儿游过, 水面上漾起道道水纹。
I turned aside to allow those who were waiting to pass by.
我闪到一旁, 让等着的人走过去。
He turned aside to allow those who were waiting to pass by.
他让到一旁, 让正在等候的人先过去。
People pass by, indifferent, no doubt consumed by their own problems.
人们无动于衷地经过, 被自身问题耗尽精力。
