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2023-11-17 10:07:22文/崔欢




“Raise” 和 “rise” 作动词时都有 “上升” 的意思,但它们的用法不同。

1. Raise

Raiseneeds a direct object - if youraisesomething you move it up. It has both literal and non-literal meanings and it is a regular verb, so it's past and past participle forms areraised.

动词 “raise” 后需要加直接宾语,如:“raise something”,意思是 “把某物举起、抬起、提起”。“Raise” 既可以指 “抬起具体的事物”,也可以表示 “增加,提高某事物”。“Raise” 是规则动词,所以过去式和过去分词均为 “raised”。

I raise my eyebrows when I'm surprised.

The government plan to raise taxes.

He raised his voice at me in anger, but I forgave him.

2. Rise

Rise does not take a direct object - things riseor go up by themselves.Riseis an irregular verb so the past form isroseand the past participle isrisen.

动词 “rise” 后不需要加直接宾语,如: “something rises”,意思是 “某物自己升起、升高”。“Rise” 是不规则动词,它的过去时为 “rose”,过去分词为 “risen”。

The sun rises at 6a.m.

The water level risestwice a day because of the tide.

The bird roseinto the air and flew away.
