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compete with和against的区别

2022-01-20 13:34:55文/丁雪竹

意思不同、用法不同。compete with是和...竞争,后加竞争对象。compete against是反对某人,与...抗争,与...竞争,后加对抗对象。

compete with和against的区别





compete against(v.+prep.)

与…抗争 struggle against sb or sth with hope of success

The firm is too small to compete against large international companies.这个公司太小,不能与大跨国公司竞争。

compete for (v.+prep.)

比赛…夺取 try to win sth in competition with sb else

Firms from across the country may compete for the contract.全国各地的公司都可能为承揽这项合同而竞争。

compete with (v.+prep.)

与…抗争 struggle against sb or sth with hope of success

〔说明〕 compete with常不用于进行体。

We try to make the trains run on time, but we can't compete with weather.我们努力使火车准点运行,但我们抗争不过天气。


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