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in the corner of和on the corner of的区别

2021-10-20 10:58:29文/李傲

含义不同,用法不同,侧重点不同。in the corner of的意思是在拐弯处;on the corner of的意思是在拐角上。in the corner of侧重于在街角的那一片区域上;on the corner of侧重于在马路拐角处的马路路面上。

in the corner of和on the corner of的区别

in the corner of和on the corner of的不同

in the corner of的corner接介词in,表示“在角落里”,接介词on或at,表示“在拐角处”,接介词round〔around〕,表示“拐过弯去”。

on the corner of的corner多指物体的棱角或房间、街道的角落。corner还可引申指“难住,走投无路”,即把其人逼入角落里。用作及物动词时,主语可以是人,也可以是物,宾语一定是人。可用于被动结构。

in the corner of和on the corner of的句子

The box is on the corner of the desk.


In the corner of the office stands a desk,on the corner of which lies a bag.


There's a suitcase in the corner.


There was a man lying on a bed in the corner of the room.



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