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come over to是什么意思

2021-06-01 16:42:50文/薛雨彤

come over to是“过来;从一个地方来到另一个地方”的意思。比如:come over to my house顺道来我家;明天来我家玩儿吧;顺便来访。

come over to是什么意思

come over to例句

1、We can come over to fetch you.


2、Or I can come over to pick you up if you go home early today?


3、You and your friends must come over to my house and see mooncakes.


4、In any case, I'll come over to the office tomorrow.


come over to短语

come over to sb顺便拜访

come over to them走到他们跟前

You wanted to come over你想往前走 ; 我希望你到来

like to come over如来 ; 喜欢过来 ; 愿意过来

Told him to come over叫他过来


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